Monday, February 9, 2015

California Dreamin'

After Christmas in Vegas we decided to take a road trip to California. The 4 Cooleys and 2 Birkahn’s packed in a minivan and were off to Anaheim. We started out with some lunch and exploring at Downtown Disney, where the kids hit up the arcade at ESPN Zone. I think Burke has stunt driving in her future…

Originally we planned to spend a day at Disney World, but when we heard it was planned to be the busiest day of the year, we switched to Knotts Berry Farm, which ended up being crowded, but still a good time. They had tons of rides for smaller kids and Burke and Holden had a blast.

Doing a little dance before riding the train

First roller coaster ever!!

Not our first roller coaster ever :)

Without a doubt, here is the best part of the visit... This ride is called Woodstock's Airmail. We waited about 45 minutes for Burke and Holden to ride it. Holden is all the way to the right, Burke is to his left. Watch the video...about 50 seconds in it really gets good. 

The next day we took a ride down to Redondo Beach to see the Ocean and eat some seafood. We found a great arcade on the boardwalk… it was totally old school and the rides / games were still $.25 each.

We went all the way to California to find a Gambrinus restauarant and a Staropramen Sign!

I think this used to be at Chuck-E-Cheese!!
It's amazing the smile that a quarter can bring to a 4-year old

At night we were off to the Ducks game!

We ended the night with a late dinner at a local sports bar where we watched the Steelers’ game.

From there it was back to Vegas for a few more days with Grandma and Grandpa. 

Hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa is exhausting!

Christmas presents from Uncle Brian!

New Jerseys!

We hit up a fun show for the kids called Popovich, which had lots of animal tricks and then our last dinner. I think we ate Mexican food at least 10 times in 2 weeks…

Sushi at a Mexian restaurant? Wait a minute...

After almost a year in Europe, it was nice to have a few weeks of "home." Except this part... this we could have done without: 

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