Thursday, December 25, 2014

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Winter in Prague is beautiful (although cold...). The city sets up beautiful Christmas Markets with lots of Christmas goods and souvenirs for sale, delicious food stands and lots of decorations. 

Christmas tree in Old Towne
Ham on a spit

Hot wine!

On December 5th in the Czech Republic they celebrate St. Nicholas (Mikuláš) Day and although I had a traumatic run in with the Polish Police while driving home from Poland that day (I maintain my innocence), we decided to get a babysitter and head down to Wensaslas Square to check out the tradition. People walk around in groups of 3 dressed up as St. Nicholas (Mikuláš), the Angel (anděl) who represents the Good, and the Devil (čert) who represents Evil. The groups stop kids on the street (because it's not at all scary when the devil approaches your 4 year old...) and asks them if they were good or bad the last year. The kids say yes and sing a song, then the angel gives them a piece of candy. Supposedly if a kid has been bad, the Devil takes them directly to hell. So yeah, we had to check it out and take a video.

How best to celebrate St. Nicholas' Day? Dinner at an Irish Pub, of course!
This was hanging on the wall
Don's work throws a great holiday party and this year's was at the top of the Prague TV Tower. The view was amazing, the food was great and the dancing wasn't bad either :)

No holiday season is complete without an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party...

The kids had the chance to a perform in the Early Years production of Busy Busy Bethlehem. Burke was an angel and Holden a soldier. If you want to take a look at the video, Burke is the angel sitting all the way to the right (with her finger in her mouth the whole time... not sure where that came from...) and Holden is the 2nd soldier to come out and sits 2nd from the right. You can watch them here: Busy Busy Bethlehem

The kids have also learned a few songs in Czech! Well, sort of in Czech. The experts tell us it's a cross of Czech and some made up language that apparently only Burke and Holden understand...

And here is one of their favorite pastimes: "dropping the leg" on Daddy.

It's crazy to think 1 year ago we were on a plane on our way back from our house hunting trip to Prague and now we live here. What a year it's been! This year we spent Don's birthday flying cross-country again, he "enjoyed" his second 33 hour birthday in a row. After a 4 hour layover in London, we were on our way to Vegas, baby.

Burke watching the birthday episode of Peppa Pig because it's Daddy's birthday

All tuckered out on the way to London
Thank god for airport playgrounds...

Birthday beer!
2 out of 3 Cooleys were excited to start the Vegas leg of the trip

Best birthday dinner eva.
Not a bad way to spend 10.5 hours
Upon arriving in Vegas we took of to the Strip for some fun with Ed and Carleen. The kids were so excited to see their godparents! We had an awesome night that included a delicious dinner at Giada, a ride and happy hour on the The High Roller (highly recommend!!!), a way-too-much-to-eat dinner at Battista's Hole in the Wall, and an evening at Mix Lounge on the top of Mandalay Bay. Two nights with great friends and some awesome views.

Dinner at Giada

Hanging out in the Lynq area and getting ready to ride the High Roller

Here we go!
30 minute ride with open bar...

Beautiful views of the Strip

You can see another pod behind us
Open bar = excuse to have shots
Don's birthday shirt...
A little Christmas show on the street
To go glasses of wine

Bellagio Conservatory

Dinner at Battista's
Mix Lounge
It was a little windy on the 64th floor
Coolest bathroom ever
Here is the view from the toilet

Kazoo (our Elf on the Shelf) sneaked into our suitcase and had some fun around Grandma and Grandpa's house before reporting back to Santa. Christmas Eve was spent waiting in line to see Santa, building a bear (because the wait was so long to see Santa...) and watching some Emmet Otter. Christmas day was a blast playing with some new toys. A little Christmas tradition - going to see the lights at Ethel M's Chocolate Factory and cactus garden.

Kazoo likes to gamble. Go figure.
First try at a ginger bread house.. more candy went into Burke's mouth than is on this house...
Building a bear (or a bunny or a turtle) - getting the heart ready for "Sally"

Holden getting Leonardo's heart ready
We were so proud of Burke for finally sitting on Santa's lap without crying, but the picture is not as entertaining as it used to be. 

Hugging Grandpa at Ethel M's
Hanging out with Grandma

Holden and Aunt Ali
This kids were so tuckered out - they slept right through dinner

Watching Emmet Otter!

This is how Grandpa watches TV :)

Burke is definitely a Birkahn

Christmas morning

A championship belt for Hulk Holden!
Let's not forget Flower Power's belt

We're off to California tomorrow to enjoy a little Christmas sunshine!

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