Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Days 4 & 5: Having fun around the city and saving a few lives along the way

Day 4

We are finally starting to adjust to the time zone differences and everyone is sleeping better. The kids had their second day at school (I've been getting some questions on this - they're attending an International School with a British curriculum. There were not the same "daycare" options as we are familiar with in the U.S. So, off to an International School they go!) and wore their new uniforms, which they LOVE!

They had a little adventure where they rode a bus over the primary school and did P.E. in the big kid gym and according to the teachers, had a blast. After dropping them off, Don and I decided to do some exploring around the area we'll be living. The first place we went was a big supermarket called Kaufland (, an obvious choice for anyone who knows Don... Look how happy he is :)

It was nice to just wander around and look at all the different brands. It was interesting because the supermarket (like many stores in Prague) was multi-stories, so they had people / cart movers from one floor to the next.

From there we took a ride to Dejvická and walked around the square. Here I am in my new (and I'm sure very fashionable) European rain boots!

We had lunch at a really cool little restaurant called Mirellie: It was delicious. We each had tomato soup (which tastes a lot like marinara sauce) and then Don got a delicious salad with grilled veggies on it and I had trout. The food was great and so reasonable (2 soups, 2 lunches, 4 glasses of wine = less than $30 all in). We'll definitely be going back.


We had a little bit of time left to kill before picking up the kids at school, so we hopped the metro back to Wenceslas Square and did a little more walking / site seeing.

Pig roast

For dinner we decided to do traditional Czech. Lots of meat and "dumplings," which are hard to describe, but pretty tasty.


I'm starting to see a pattern here. This is Burke and Holden during dinner and then right after:

The big news of the day: Don is a hero!! A lady passed out in the executive club and Don sprung into action! He yelled for someone to call 911 (NOTE: 911 does not exist outside the U.S. :) ), then checked her pulse and kept her comfortable and talking until the paramedics arrived. The staff was so appreciative they showered him with kisses, confirmed his hero status and sent over wine, fruit water and a really sweet thank you note to show their appreciation.

My hero!

Day 5

Today was all about getting things done! We dropped the kids off at school and went straight to the electronic store where we found a juicer, blender, shaver, blow drier, straightener and (drum roll please...) an American coffee pot! Success! Imagine 50 espresso makers and 1 coffee pot with dust on it :). We grabbed lunch on the run from street vendors. I forgot to snap photos of the food (new blogger - rookie mistake), but we had a wild boar sausage and some "Fish on Grill," which was a delicious salmon filet.

Fish on Grill (very accurate description)

Spirally potato chip thingy - delicious!

After that we met up with the Klara (from our relo company) to cross some of the more complicated things off our list. First up was applying for an "Open Card" - we are now the proud owners of an annual public transportation pass! This is what it looks like to be able to go anywhere you want in Prague!

We also opened a bank account. I swear this isn't a museum, it really is our bank you can imagine the looks I got walking around going "ooooohhhh, ahhhhh" and taking pictures in the bank.


The rest of the day was pretty uneventful: metro rides, swimming at the hotel, dinner, gelato and then a little Dora (via Slingbox) before bed.

The metro escalators are enormous and the protocol
is that you must stand on the right, walk on the left
Holden Cooley following the unwritten
escalator rules

Waiting patiently for the metro


Cheers! Check out the iPad menu in the table

Eating some gelato
Thankful for Slingbox!


Big day tomorrow! The kids are going rock climbing and we are moving into our new home!


  1. The dumpling is called knedliky! It is like a loaf of boiled bread, very good for sopping up those delicious Czech sauces!
