Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Tiny Dancer

Over the past trimester the kids have had all sorts of fun at school. Between shows, clubs and camps, they have been super busy. Here are some of the highlights!!

The school put on it's annual musical. This year it was River of Dreams and the kids got to perform Mr. Sandman.

Dinner after the show!
The kids (and Don!) also participated in the school's swimming gala. Burke got to swim and Holden held his own in the cheering section: Riverside Swimming Gala.

Burke eyeing up the pool before her race
Holden ready to cheer her on

Burke is the one between 5 people in blue who are trying to coax her into the pool :)
There she goes!
Cheered on by her house "Havel"

The school had their annual Summer Fayre, which was a lot of fun. They had enormous trampolines. Holden waited in line for like 30 minutes and then insisted that they guy didn't make it go high.

Burke was a little more adventurous...

Michael, Don and Fernando manning the canoes

One of the highlights of the past few months was Burke "starring" in a ballet performance. Here is our tiny dancer:

The girls with their teacher

Every year the school has a Sports Day where the kids get to compete individually and as part of their house. The kids had a blast!!

Now that school is officially out for summer, the kids have a few weeks of summer camp and are LOVING it. Here they are on the "zip line" (note: I am a bad mom and didn't send bathing suits the first day, so they improvised)

Outside of all this organized fun, they've been enjoying time with their friends and each other.

 Easter egg decorating and basket finding.

And all sorts of random stuff...

This inflatable was in the parking garage of the shopping center

I have no idea what Holden and Archie are doing here, but they asked me to take their picture :)
Ice lollies at the zoo


Little angels waiting for a cupcake at Prague Bakeshop

This is what happens when you ask to have "The Little Mermaid" on your face
Make your own pizzas at brunch at Soho

A walk in the rain with Mr. Clarke
And Mrs. Clarke!
Movie time

And some of my favorite recent videos of the kids... Burke thinking she's a comedian, Holden watching the Hulkster and the two of them playing Wii boxing (aka: "I'm not playing anymore")

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