Sunday, November 16, 2014

Fall Fun at Riverside

We could not be more pleased that we chose Riverside International School for our kids. We LOVE everything about the school. Burke & Holden are learning in a really cool environment with kids from all over the world and the greatest set of teachers. Here are photos and videos from their first term 2014 adventures (you can also seem more pics from their school on Facebook:

Fun in the classroom and after school clubs:

Cutting shapes in art class
Making muffins
Counting with buttons
Holden horseback riding
Burke's turn!
Playing with soapy water in the water table
Playing chefs in the kitchen

Holden reading a story with his teacher
Burke & Lexi reading together
Burke loves to write her name... I was so proud until I started
finding her name all over all my work papers...

Cutting cucumbers for snack

Gymnastics Club

Ballet Club

Floorball Club

Athletic Club

Fun on the playground and around the school

Just hanging around


A little cuddle on the Primary School playground
They might not be able to get a ball in the goal, but they can
get each other in there for sure. 
Waiting for the bus with some friends
Morning drop off in the rain... didn't see much
of that in Phoenix...

Morning stop at Daddy's office

A trip to the park and playground

Don gets in on the fun too! Here are some pics from a trip he took with the Junior High:

School Field Trip to the pumpkin farm!

Picking out pumpkins with Lexi and Lettice
Look! I got a green one!

A little snack...
Perfect sized seats 

I had the chance to go to the school's Harvest Breakfast and watch a little performance (and now you can too!)


The kids got to participate in a school cross country run. They represented their House "Havel," and did a great job!

Police on horses securing the area

A little pep talk from Coach Cooley

Don leading stretches
Getting ready for the run

Ready... Steady....


Here comes Burke!

The kids are so lucky that every day is an adventure!

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