Sunday, April 13, 2014

It's a hockey night in... Prague!!!

We're finding that everything here is so much more relaxed. From people offering our kids candy in restaurants (I'm pretty sure I'll never be Ok with that one...) to older ladies putting our kids on their laps on the bus (love that one), it's just a completely different way of life. We're adjusting!

Thursday was a great example of us learning to just go with the flow. One of the teachers at the kids' school has a daughter who babysits. Perfect! We arranged for her to come over and babysit Thursday night, but on Thursday during the day, their teacher asked if they could take the kids to the Junior High's performance of High School Musical. Don explained that Burke is usually pretty difficult at shows and that it might not be very fun for anyone. The teacher was so relaxed about everything and explained that she had some car seats, strollers and that there was an area for kids, so no problem. Sure enough, it was no problem. Their teacher drove them home from school, the kids had their "tea" (their teacher is Scottish) at our house and then off to the musical they all went. Apparently they had a blast, as it was all they talked about the next day. Back home we never would have had someone take our kids to a musical, but here it just wasn't a big deal.

So, with the kids off on an adventure, we enjoyed one of our own! It's playoff hockey here and HC Sparta (Hockey Club Sparta) was taking on their rival Brno at home! We roped in a few friends and did our best to fit in. The fans were intense with lots of chants, cheerleaders (wait, cheerleaders at a hockey game? huh?), flags, drums, costumes - you name it, they had it. The score was 1 to 1 for most the game and ended with a shoot out loss after a full period of OT. The loss was a disappointment for HC Sparta's newest and biggest fans, but we had a great time anyway!

Outside the arena

Cheerleaders (way out there on the stage)

Standing room section - full of rowdy fans

Great seats for the steep price of $15 each!

I'm not sure there's enough beer to go around

Sausages on a slice of rye

Don Cooley sitting 3 rows ahead of us trying
to get to the mascot... it looks like he's in timeout

He made it to the ice, but the mascot was long gone

Group photo!

Let's Go Pens! Errrr... HC Sparta!

Game? What game?

Let's do this!

A little look inside Czech hockey:

New scarfs representing HC Sparta!

View from the tram stop
5 minutes before the tram comes.?
pop into a pub!

Friday was the last day of school before a 2-week Easter break and we had an epic parental fail... We received word on Thursday that our Czech bank account was finally ready, so we made an appointment for Friday at 11:30 to sign our documents and pick up our bank cards. Around 12:30 we were wrapping up the documents when Don got a call from the school. The conversation went something like this "Ummmm.... are you aware that school ended at 12:00 today for Easter break?" How embarrassing. We were off like a flash and picked up 2 very hungry (but otherwise unaffected) kids. The school was so nice about the whole thing, but we felt like the worst parents ever. Especially when we walked in and suddenly noticed all the signs reminding us that Friday was a half day :)

We stopped at the Turkish Kebab shop on the way home and got all this food for about $15. As you can imagine, no one was hungry for dinner that night...


Saturday was all about the Farmers' Market again (to satisfy our newly found blue cheese addiction). This time there was a lady making enormous bubbles. The kids were thrilled.

Time to go and no sign of Holden...
hiding in the wardrobe :)

Spring is here! Beautiful tulips all over the square
Apple juice cheers

Big bubbles!
Burke making bubbles

Holden taking his turn... this one kept going and going
Healthy cookies (don't tell them that)

Here are a few more highlights from the week..

One day this week Don was out shopping and he was so excited to tell me that he found me a store that sells "exactly the kind of shirts" I like to wear. He took a picture so I could see the selection. He was totally serious. I'm reevaluating my wardrobe because apparently this is how I dress...

We passed this milk truck on the street and he was literally selling milk from the truck. It was playing this really funny call that we think said "Come and get your Milk!" but we may just be making that up :)

Need some meat? Just stop by the metro station...

After rock climbing adventures at school, the kids have decided to test their skills at home... Who knew there were so many uses for bookshelves! (NOTE: all climbing is supervised by a quasi-professional)

I had to work late a few nights this week so there were a few playground trips and ice cream runs.

Lunch on Saturday was leftover pizza. I think this slice is bigger than her head!).

A little cuddle

We had a Saturday night adventure in Prague 1 visiting more Easter Markets and grabbing a delicious dinner of Czech specialties.

There are statues all over the city
and the kids can't get enough

Street performer

Václavské náměstí 

It rained this morning so we spent the early morning watching cartoons and being lazy, then ran to the mall in the afternoon to ride the big slide, enjoyed some food court dinner at "cactus" and came home. We had planned to try another church this evening, but the kids were tired and acting up, so instead we let them rest for a bit and then watched the church service from our previous church online as a family. The kids joined in for worship and Holden gave Don the greatest compliment "Burke, you can dance with Daddy. He's not stinky."

Enjoying some juice after some hard sliding

Burke on the slide

Quesadilla at Cactus... it was a cheese quesadilla with a
scoop of grilled chicken over top

Since the kids are on break, Don is planning a tour of local playgrounds tomorrow. Later this week we'll head to Vienna for our first family trip outside of Prague.

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